2. A young Schnauzer
pees blood "The urine
test on Oct 2, 2013 shows
the presence of occasional
numbers of calcium
oxalate and triple phosphate
crystals," Dr Daniel said to
me when I asked him about
the urine test after he had
completed the bladder stone
removal surgery. He could
see that the few numbers of
crystals in the urine does
not co-relate with the
number of formed stones
which exceeded 20 big and
small ones in this case.
"Absence of crystals in the
urine" does not mean there
is no bladder stone. X-rays
will be best.
Each vet has his own
approach to this type of
surgery. He had injected
saline into the bladder to
check for leaks and there
was none. "A fine needle was
used," he said to me. I am
aware of this way of
checking for leakage.
Usually I inject saline via
the urinary catheter in the
female dog.
I did a video of the
stones being taken out
as there were numerous. I
had done videos of bladder
stone removal and so I do
not video this type of
surgery as it takes a lot of
time to produce a video.
tp 42373
Miniature Schnauzer, White,
Female, 3 years old. Born
Nov 4, 2010.
Significant time-lines
Feb 24, 2012. I spayed
the dog. Uterus was enlarged
but not from pregnancy.
Blood test normal.
Nov 30, 2012. Blood in
the urine. I advised urine
test and no dry food.
Urinary tract infection.
Jul 14, 2013. During
annual vaccination, I
palpated the bladder and
felt "crepitus" - feeling of
gas and bladder stones
rubbing against each other
inside the bladder. I
advised X-rays as I was
quite sure these were
bladder stones.
Interestingly, I recorded
the following 4 words "Dr
Daniel said no." I had asked
his opinion and he had
palpated the bladder.
Sometimes I would be present
during his consultations as
a mentor. Palpation of the
bladder for crepitus is not
as convincing to the owner
as X-rays. Therefore, X-rays
must be advised.
Every vet has his or her
own opinions and each vet,
after palpation of the
bladder may give
different points of view as
in this case and that does
not reflect on the vet's
competence. X-rays will be
most helpful but the owner
came for vaccination and not
for urinary tract problems
like blood in the urine in
this case. So the owner does
not want to incur
"unnecessary" medical costs
of X-rays.
Oct 1, 2013. Dr Daniel
was consulted for decreased
in appetite of the dog and
vomiting of digested food.
He advised X-rays and urine
tests. Urine tests showed pH
8.0, USG 1.020, bacteria 3+,
blood 4+, calcium oxalate
and triple phosphate
X-rays showed numerous
large stones. Dr Daniel
opened up the bladder and
removed the stones.
OCT 3, 2013.
The owner said that he
had given canned food since
my advice to cut out the dry
food in Nov 2012. He said
that his relative's Shih
Tzu called Mikki also had
similar problems and eating
the same brand of wet food
called "Burp". I remember
Mikki. He had difficulty in
urination and urine tests
showed triple phosphate.
X-rays showed no stones and
the dog is on S/D diet for
the time being till the
urine test is negative.
It is important to follow
up with the owner but this
takes time and some vets may
not want to do it. As to
what to do now after the
operation, the stone
analysis will need to be
known first. From
appearance, I would say they
are struvite stones. S/D
canned diet for 1-3 months
and urine test 3 monthly
will be my advice but many
owners have their own ideas.
It is my opinion that the
stones were formed much
earlier and the changing to
"Burp" canned food was too
late and probably does not
contribute to the struvite
stone formation unless it
alkalinises the urine. The
bacterial infection of the
bladder in an alkaline urine
causes triple phosphates and
struvites to form. It
is inconclusive evidence
that "Burp" cause the
formation of stones.
"Miniature Schnauzers are
one breed famous for bladder
stones," I said to the
Circumstantial evidence
of "Burp" causing bladder
stones in this Schnauzer is
made because Mikki had
similar difficulty in
urination problems too when
fed on "Burp". But no stones
were seen in Mikki's X-rays.
I remember this Mikki very
well since this Shih Tzu's
owner had two episodes of
urination difficulties in
Mikki. In the 2nd episode,
the couple had the X-rays
done and no stones were
seen. Now the dog is on S/D
diet and so far, no more
dysuria problems. Mikki is
another story.
Struvite stones
confirmed by
laboratory analysis |
BY PHONE AT 8.05 pm, 5 days
post-removal of bladder
stones by Dr Daniel.
Owner is satisfied today
as the dog is active, eats
and drinks. Urine no blood.
Stools are normal. As at
November 4, 2013, no
complaints from the owner.