Young dogs can take a longer anaesthetic time but I would like this dog to be operated within 15 minutes since it is 14 years old.
"He looks young," I told Nia. "Look at his thick white cataract eye. 4-year-old dogs seldom have such eye cataracts." Nia did not know that the young lady owner had taken great pains to groom the dog after an earlier consultation with me. She would be the type who surf the net for information. She had blood test done which showed the dog was healthy for surgery and also a course of antibiotics. However, this dog has heart murmurs and any lengthy surgery may lead to heart failure.
So I was much worried with this case. The young lady had nursed the ear to a much less infected mass and declared that the only tumour was outside the ear after a course of treatment. So just remove this external ear tumour would do, she said to me. "It is far more serious than that," I advised. "The whole of the vertical canal is tumourous, feel the hard lump and compare to the normal ear."
The dog survived the
anaesthesia although
she has a weak
heart. The owner
wanted her home on
the next day and
would nurse her
wounds. I gave an
Antisedan injection
IM to reverse the
drowsiness of
Domitor and the dog
woke up within 2
minutes. Old dogs
should get up fast
as prolonged
recumbency may lead
to respiratory or
cardiac failure.
Antisedan is a good
antidote. The lady
owner was happy as
her dog was alive.
No histopathology
was done to reduce
medical costs.
Speedy surgery is
necessary in old
dogs. However, this
case still took
around 50 minutes. I
am grateful that she
survived the
operation as old
dogs are extremely
high risk
patients. Domitor +
Ketamine +
isoflurane + oxygen
were used.