No. 1022. The Cavalier King Charles has a gum tumour that
grows very fast
Aug 1, 2012
Cavalier King Charles, Male, 10 years
"Most likely cancerous," I said to the
owners of a gentle distinguished-looking
Cavalier King Charles . "If a gum tumour doubles in size
every week, it is cancerous and needs
early removal."
Blood tests were not normal. Surgery was
done the next day. Unlike the Lab
Retriever's epulis which is usually not
cancerous unless it is an acanthomatous
epulis. This case seems to be poor
prognosis. Electro-surgery by Dr Daniel.
"Transect at least 2 mm from the tumour
and remove the entombed incisors," I
said. The owner agreed to sending the
tumour to the lab for check whether it
is cancerous or not.
Total WCC 17.8 (6-17)
N 81%, L 15%, M 3.2%, E
0%, B 0.4%. Indicative of a bacterial
infection going on.
RBC 5.6 (5.5 - 8.5)
Platelets 81 (200-500). No platelet
clumps seen but few giant platelets
Squamous papilloma with reactive atypia
and chronic inflammation. No definite
dysplasia or malignancy.
Good news for the owner. However, the
papilloma may return as it is extremely
difficult to completely excise it.
The old dog survived the anaesthesia and
that was what counted for the owners.
Dom + Ket at 25% was sufficient for
electro-surgical excision. "No
intubation, as we need good access to
the gingival tumour and to excise all,
if possible. It is growing fast."
Dental scaling was done too.
Older dogs must be checked by the owner
daily and any mouth tumour be removed
when it is small. In this case, the
tongue covered the papilloma till it
became chronically infected and swollen.
It could have existed for some weeks
without the owner seeing it.