Her 4-month-old dwarf hamster drank and peed a lot when I asked
her. He showed a hunched back and within 24 hours, he had fits
(leg stretched out suddenly, head extended, eyes popped out) when
the lady owner quickly came to visit him. His urine was dark
yellow despite lots of drinking. This could be a clue to the
ingestion of some colouring or additives in the hamster food
harming the kidneys. "Dark yellow stains on the litter and on his
anal area are not normal for a dwarf hamster," I said. "Some part
of the feed could damage to the kidneys."
She requested euthanasia as there was no hope of recovery.
Cremation with ash was requested. I advised her to buy good
quality hamster food from Europe, Japan or the U.S.A and not be
distracted by fanciful packaging and multiple ingredients like
fish head pieces.
5677 - 5679. A dwarf hamster
has a hunched back.
Yesterday, October 9, 2012,
the lady came to take home the urn at around 7 pm. I was
present and she asked me whether her proposed purchase of one
brand of the Vitacraft Hamster Emotion Beauty food.
Good research on your proposed purchase of one brand of the
Vitacraft hamster food for your new Syrian hamster. The alloe
vera concentrate and the "approved additives" are the parts I
will not feed my hamster as I don't know what long-term effects
they will produce.
It is your own preference. If I have to buy only from this
Vitacraft manufacturer, I will choose
Mit Emotion® Nature Dinner bieten Sie Ihrem Hamster Natur pur im
Futternapf! With emotion ® Nature dinner offering your hamster
pure nature in the food bowl! Knackige Kürbiskerne, leckere
Kolbenhirserispen, gesunder Dinkel ... Crunchy pumpkin seeds,
Kolbenhirserispen tasty, healthy spelled ... Die Mischung enthält
die reine Vielfalt der Natur — die Rohstoffe werden frisch
geerntet und schonend verarbeitet. The blend contains pure natural
diversity - the raw materials are freshly harvested and carefully
Emotion® Nature Dinner ist mit vielen energiereichen Zutaten
perfekt auf den natürlichen Speiseplan Ihres Nagers abgestimmt und
enthält zudem wertvolle Omega-3-Fettsäuren zur Unterstützung eines
gesunden Fells. Emotion ® Nature's dinner with many energy-rich
ingredients perfectly adapted to the natural diet of your rodent
and also contains valuable omega-3 fatty acids to support a
healthy coat. Natürlich versorgt das Naturfutter Ihr Tier auch mit
allen lebenswichtigen Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen — mit
speziellem ACE-Komplex zum Schutz der Zellen. Of course, the
natural food supplies your pet with all essential vitamins and
minerals - with a special ACE complex to protect the cells. Für
ein natürlich gesundes Hamsterleben! For a naturally healthy
hamsters life!
Pure Nature: Mit hochwertigen Komponenten aus der Natur Pure
Nature: With high quality components from nature
Vitamine : Enthält Vitamine und Mineralstoffe Vitamins : Contains
vitamins and minerals
Omega 3: Essentielle Fettsäuren unterstützen eine gesunde Haut und
ein gesundes Fell Omega 3: Essential fatty acids support healthy
skin and a healthy coat
Cell Protect: Mit ACE-Komplex zum Schutz der Zellen Cell Protect:
With ACE complex to protect the cells
Für alle Hamster For all hamsters
Von Tierärzten und Nagerexperten entwickelt Developed by
veterinarians and rodent experts
Artgerecht, hochwertig, ausgewogen Arthritis, high quality,
Zuckerfreie Rezeptur Sugar-free recipe
Ohne künstliche Aromastoffe No artificial flavors
Ohne künstliche Farbstoffe Free from artificial colors
Ohne künstliche Konservierungsstoffe No artificial